good luck dude!
It's only GHEY when the light is on!
Age 33, Male
*F6* *CLICK*, Repeat
Play School
Somewhere in Nevada
Joined on 8/27/10
good luck dude!
cant wait really impressed
I can allredy see Sandford rushing with his hook, I asume that this will be Sandford´s point of view, or maybe Hank´s? New short? SPOIL!!!
@mandog15, i smell a troll.
Who cares.
Darn it, ok then.
KONY 2012!!!
Maybe some spoils, just maybe :3
But what´s the frame goal? You can spoil that. :P
lol my man lol.
lol yea mang lol.
call of dutty rezurraction nwah! AH!
Cawl oohff Doodooty is of teh ghay.
im not ghay!
yes you are randomes!
no im not
i'm new at flash animations (havent started yet) but i want to do madness animations, what flash you use? also where you get ''madness stuf''? i'm lurking so hard right now thanks for reading batresources.htm
waiting for op
Hey dude just asking were do u get OBSV agents from do u have a link?
I received a link for them, I don't have it anymore though you might want to ask someone else.
From who though?
I think it was mikik.
in madness world everyone use drugs
hey man i loved yor MADNESS IMCRIIMINATION 5 starz. in your nek animation can u make deimos use a AK74u pleeeeease my two favs
u animate like krinkels but nice its was awsome.
That was one of the best madness tributes